Vulnerable Excavator Parts in High Heat During Summer Season

During the scorching summer season, excavators are exposed to extreme heat and challenging working conditions. Some components of the excavator are more vulnerable to heat-related issues than others. In this article, we will highlight the parts of an excavator that are particularly weak in high heat and introduce a renowned maker’s plastic parts known for their long life and durability.

Vulnerable Excavator Parts in High Heat

  1. Plastic Cabin Components: Plastic parts in the excavator cabin, such as control panels, dashboard, and seat covers, are susceptible to heat-aging problems. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause these plastic components to become brittle, crack, fade, and lose their original appearance. Heat-aging can lead to a decrease in impact resistance and overall functionality of these parts.
  2. Rubber Seals and Hoses: Rubber seals, gaskets, and hoses are essential for maintaining the excavator’s integrity and preventing leaks. However, they are prone to deterioration in high heat conditions. The extreme temperature can cause rubber components to harden, crack, and lose their flexibility, leading to potential leaks and reduced efficiency in various systems.
  3. Electrical Components: The electrical system of an excavator can be affected by heat, leading to malfunctions and potential failures. Electrical wires, connectors, and fuses may experience issues in extreme heat. Additionally, battery terminals can corrode, disrupting the electrical flow.
  4. Hydraulic System: The hydraulic system plays a critical role in an excavator’s operation. In high heat, the hydraulic fluid can lose viscosity, reducing the efficiency and responsiveness of the system. This can lead to slower operation and potential damage to hydraulic components.
  5. Undercarriage Components: Undercarriage parts, such as track links and rollers, are subjected to intense working conditions. The combination of high temperatures and abrasive terrain can accelerate wear and tear, requiring more frequent inspections and maintenance.
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